Thursday, April 3, 2014

Bye Bye Jackson

Earlier this week the Philadelphia said sayonara to DeSean Jackson after recent reports about having gang ties.  I'm not here to say DeSean is a bad person, or to say he is apart of these so called gangs.  I'm here to give you the perspective of an organization and coaches.  Someone like Jackson, whether he's doing those things or not, the team knows better than any of us, but, he becomes a "cancer" in the locker room that can spread to other teammates.  I coach high school football and I've seen this happen.  One person who does negative things can bring others down with them.  This kind of player is not something that you want to build a championship team around. Sure, he's a good football player, he makes plays.  The only case anyone can make about the Eagles cutting him being a bad decision is the fact that he produced on the field for them and they will not be able to replace that, which is true.  I was extremely bothered when I saw an article that had Richard Sherman trying to bring up the "race" card again, which is completely bogus.  He compared Riley Cooper's saying of the N word to Jackson being released by the birds.  Sorry Mr. Sherman but Cooper was drunk and at a concert, Jackson is hanging out with people that murder people and carry weapons, and he himself owns weapons.  These are two completely different things Mr. Sherman.  I agree with the decision to get rid of him, if the team has more information about these so called gang ties, then yes, it was the right move.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Roger Goodell back at it again...

Mr. Roger, the man who's completely ruining the NFL, passed a new rule that players cannot dunk on the field goal posts after a touchdown.  Is it just me or is this another one of those things that is bringing the sport down.  The NFL is a form of entertainment that is viewed by millions on national television.  Apparently Goodell wants the players in "his" league to perform like zombies and not have any fun at all.  I coach high school football and one of the things I preach is to have fun.  Just because these athletes are being paid to play the game does not mean they shouldn't be allowed to have fun playing the GAME that they learned as kids to be fun.  Soon enough the NFL's players will look like zombies on TV, no big hits or no celebrating?  This guy needs to go, anyone else agree?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Former West Chester University Football Player Saves a Life

This story is amazing.  Jared, a friend of mine, saved a man's life who was in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant.  Sleckus was suffering from cancer, but the bone marrow transplant saved his life. Through the Andy Talley Bone Marrow Foundation the two were finally able to meet face to face.  This story is a true inspiration, if you have the time, check it out.